cosy dragon's hoard

What am I even going to put here

Hi! I don't know what I'm doing! But this is slowly becoming a webbed site of sorts.

Please excuse the bottom bar, it gets very excited when there's not enough content on a page to make it sit downstairs and I don't know how to discourage it from doing that. It's fine. I'm okay with a free roam bottom bar.

I'm intending to use this to collect fun things, such as recipes, my sparse OC lore, and this project I'm doing with some friends that involves translating convoluted lace crochet patterns. Oh, and to follow cool people of course. I wanna look at Cool People's Cool Websites.

Profile link


2024 may 29 - Would not say We Are Back bc what is a spoon anyway, but typed down a tiny bit of worldbuilding about Between Worlds

2024 feb 29 - Happy leap yeap! Added the potato lángos recipe, as well as bits I had written down about Vaanedorh ages ago

2024 feb 28 - Website made! Let's go! We are starting with a basic functioning website, headworld descriptions, and two entire recipes.


Here's a painting I made! Maybe this'll force the page to be a respectable size.

A watercolour pencil piece of pair of tarot cards, The Star and The Sun. The Star is a starry dragon sitting in front of a sunny background, the Sun is a sunny dragon sitting in front of a starry background. The dragons are mirrored and looking at each other, and their tails are intertwined.